Welcome to GripAble (This is the US site version)

GripAble is a multidisciplinary team of therapists, scientists and engineers getting simple, effective upper limb rehabilitation technology into the hands of the people that need it.

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Serious. Fun. Rehab

As a neuroscientist carrying out his PhD at Imperial College London, Dr Paul Rinne was working closely with therapy teams on stroke wards. He recognised that traditional therapy equipment couldn’t provide real-time motivation, feedback or data for tracking progress, leading patients to become disengaged in their rehab regimes once unsupervised. This is when the idea for the GripAble device was born.
The GripAble team is driven by a desire to deliver simple and effective technology into the hands of the people that need it most. GripAble has the unique opportunity to be used by every single person coming into contact with the healthcare system globally, giving us the ability to not only change the face of physical rehabilitation, but also of healthcare as a whole.

GripAble - a therapist-led company with a laser focus on the upper limb!

For the past eight years, we have been working in partnership with thousands of occupational and physiotherapists and patients across multiple clinical conditions and leading academic institutions.

Our goal is to get accessible, effective and engaging rehab technology into the hands of anyone that needs it. We are committed to delivering gold-standard upper limb assessment and training, from hospital to home.

Meet the GripAble team

Our founders

Clinical Advisory Board

Clinical Development Team

Our supporters

Think you could add some value to the GripAble team?

We are always on the lookout for talented individuals with a passion for accessible and innovative technology.