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An Introduction to GripAble

What's in the box?

Every GripAble device comes with:

• 1 tablet

• 1wrist lanyard

• 2 charging cables

• 3 hand straps

• A quick set-up guide

You can find out even more by watching the how-to videos

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GripAble is a two-in-one assessment and training device to help people with impaired upper limb movement.

GripAble is used by neurological, paediatric and MSK therapists in both therapy and community settings.

The handheld device connects to an app on a tablet and tracks four key hand movements – grip and release, wrist extension / flexion, radial / ulnar deviation and pronation / supination, together with repetitions, and minutes of training.

The device is highly sensitive and can be used by most people, even those with limited grip or movement.  Easy to set up, GripAble can be calibrated and personalised to each user’s ability, with real-time feedback to help build motivation and engagement.

GripAble is based on intuitive, fuss-free technology so you can get set up in minutes.

Engaging activities address physical and cognitive goal

  • Fun and engaging activities to meet clinical goals of increasing range of movement, grip, and pinch strength
  • Multiple activity levels to grade the patient
  • Assess each individual’s ability and then set the activities to match their ability, adjusting as they progress

Personalised training and goal setting

Physical rehabilitation is critical to restoring quality of life after stroke and many other neurological, orthopedic, and pediatric conditions, and studies show that the more repetition and strength training a person performs, the greater their chance of restoring movement and, ultimately, their independence.

GripAble enables you to set regular goals and provides daily feedback to help build motivation and engagement with training activities.